Friday February 3rd;
Since there are no shows today, no long drives, no meetings, no auditions, and I have finally organized my receipts from 2011 into their proper stacks ready to be but into the "books" (Quicken) I took the first half of the day very casually.
Because I keep late hours (night person) and Mami keeps early hours (morning person) she lets me sleep until I wake-up. Like I am some kind of celebrity I wake up each morning and cellphone Mami for my coffee...yup, I actually pick up my phone that had been charging all night and call "room service". (About this time Mami is homeschooling the kids.) Shortly after the call my bedroom door bursts open and the three little ones (now not so little 10, 8, 6) each come over and give me a hug and a hardy good morning. Sometimes they are brimming with news about something special or cool that happened earlier that morning. Then comes the coffee. Aw, the coffee! At this same time the two dogs who have been sleeping on my bed are up and bouncing around ready to go out.
Also by that time I have turned my laptop on and checked for any important emails and have begun answering them. Or I have begun scanning various headlines from all kinds of news sources. I like to compare what stories each of the various left, right and central news outlets are spewing that day. I especially don't want to miss any kind of emergency that we might have missed through the night.
Today I found out Jim Carrey and Steve Carrel will be playing adversary magicians in an upcoming movie. I found out Miley Cyrus will be playing in a movie where she has a revealing sex scene with a guy and a lesbian scene with a girl...bye bye Hanna Montana. I found out the jobless rate fell to 8.3% but the the number that they used to calculate the rate (the work force level) was adjusted down from 66 million to 63 million.I also discovered that the rate doesn't include the under employed and the people who have given up searching for work so the real number is around 10% if you count the under-employed and 15% if you don't. (Under-employed are people working part time jobs or people who lost their good paying jobs and now work for minimum wage.) By the way, that makes over 3 solid years of unemployment above 7%...a record. I keep an eye on that because if people aren't working, and have no income they can't afford to hire luxury things, like entertainers.
The funniest news I found was about a brawl that happened on Hollywood Blvd yesterday. If you saw my previous blog you will see several street characters who will take a picture with you for tips. Apparently several of them got into a fight over "location" and Capt. Jack Sparrow got pepper-sprayed. Two days late for us to have caught the action. I would have loved to watch that. You have to see them live to appreciate why I find all this funny. It seems ever since that singer, Andy Grammer, was discovered on the streets of Santa Monica every street act in America, and beyond, are immigrating to the LA area.
You may have noticed I stayed away from politics. That's because the whole rigamaroll has gotten to be overly dramatic and stupid. Lefties are slamming righties and visa-versa worse thatn ever. Both sides close their eyes to the flaws of their side and their politicians but are keen to notice the slightest flaw of the other side. Both sides claiming moral superiority when both sides are needing to ignore or lie to maintain that claim....just look at the manipulation of the jobs report. Just what are they basing their morality on? For some it is a slide-rule based on their own feelings. For others it is a rock, a fixed position unmovable regardless of their own feelings.
Breakfast in bed today! That was a nice surprise.
Out of bed and all groomed I hit the "to do list" which today included getting the ingredients for a recipe that will be included in our newsletter so we can take a picture of it...and eat it. Then I dropped off the information needed for the printers to print up some publicity material. Always fun to stop at Comer's Print Shop. I did a couple of magic tricks for them and had a few laughs. Then it was the bank followed by a stop at the feed store to pick up Buttercup and Mr. Squeezer's lunch, six mice. Walmart was in their somewhere but only because little Tater-tot likes to eat bathtub plugs and needed a new walking harness. He ate that too.
Back home, Olivia has expressed interest in singing "Keep Your Head Up" in the show so I downloaded the music and the lyric for her to practice.
Next comes our big Jelly Bean Taste-off. We have samples of David's Gourmet Jelly Bean from David Klein, Inventor of the Jelly Belly (but frozen out of the company years ago and not given any credit by the company). He has launched a competitive gourmet bean that is being met by consumers very well. But Jelly Belly has millions of dollars and the word on the street is they have sicked their large corporate structure and their lawyers out to stop the distribution of the beans by threatening distributors. If you recall we met David last week and he is one of the amicable people you will ever meet. He kind of reminds me of my uncle his looks.
We plan on taping the tasting and post it as a video blog.
So welcome to my will be taking a break now.