So how do we stay fit for the performing season when we are off. Well, we practice on the static trapeze, walk the tight rope, go for awfully long walks, and now we have the kids do gymnastics. Today Victor, Amelia, and Olivia began gymnastic classes to learn tumbling, flipping, trampoline, an acrobatics. I had not stood in that building for something like 12 years. Not since Cynthia was on the team there. Olivia, who not only looks like Cynthia, is athletic ans Cynthia was, is, was is...hmmmmm Cynthia is still athletic! She had the best form of the three and made it look easy. It is amazing the number of people who go to our church that go there. I also saw one of Cynthia's childhood friends, Skylar, who now teaches there.
Tomorrow we have a upper level meeting with the show to discuss the show's direction this season. Nick will be coming over. We will also work on building Nick a handstand rig.
This morning the girls got a special treat. They went to "White Cross". That is a group of ladies from our church who make bandages and sends them to needy countries. They also do a lot of other good works for the sick and needy in our town. The girls had a great time chatting and learning how to make those bandages with the ladies. And since they were the only ones under 46 there...way under 46, I am sure they were the little darlings of the group. But that is how any father would imagine it right?
I have been having an online "discussion" (argument) with a liberal (he likes to call himself "Progressive" when I see Progressive to mean taking us to an Oligarchy system of gov't) over a dumb posting he made on Facebook basically calling Christians, hypocrites because we call ourselves a Christian Nation that ignores the poor. The whole problem I had was that the statement (it was actually a quote form a comedian who thinks of himself as clever) was based on two fallacies, 1. we ignore our poor when in fact our poor are the fattest well taken poor in the world. And 2. Christians aren't charitable but greedy hypocrites. This disproved by many studies and facts which I documented in my argument with him. Read the book, "Makers and Takers". It will enlighten you. If you need enlightening....some people like the dark.
We have bought an ad in the local Trivia Pages Book that will appear in many of the local restaurants in our area. Since we are on the road a lot we have discovered that not many people realize we are in the area. I run across lots of people who have heard of us or saw us long ago but didn't realize we were right in their backyard. The price was right and the ad will run for a year rotating four times around the various pages in the book with an article about us going in as well.
Finally, I had a great lunch with my good friend JC Dunn, magician extraordinaire. We enjoyed Mami's Americanized Goulash. Funny a Japanese woman making and Americanized version of an Hungarian meal. he came bearing gifts, a giant box of apples. We are an apple crazy family so that was nice. After lunch we went down to our good friends at Comers Print Shop and picked up some ad stuff I needed, including my $1,000,001 Bill. I blew the trick I tried but JC saved the day with many really nice tricks and stunts for the folks at the shop. It was a good day.