Sunday, August 16, 2009

Last Day at Quassy

Show number 126 since July 1 is under our belt and we have loaded up the trailer and vans. We will now enjoy five days off. Our plans are to have a BBQ with my cousin, who lives out here, (and her family and her brother and his family visiting from Ohio) at her house on Monday. We will visit Yale and Louies Lunch (the birthplace of the hamburger). We will also visit the home and burial place of the Foy family (Eddie Foy and the Seven Little Foys)...New Rochelle, NY.
We may even visit the city.
It was Hot today. I mean it was very HOT. I lost a least 15lbs in sweat. Still we had great audiences....I wouldn't sit and watch my show (no matter how great we are) in that heat. But instead of dwindling away it grew and grew. There was one poor bald man who was dripping wet and red-burned head by the end of the show.
For the last show my cousins and their families showed up. They really added spice to the hot crowd. It was fun to see the kids all playing together, riding rides and frolicking.

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