First the charming. Princess Cynthia participates in a culinary class at her high school. Last week she was invited to demonstrate making suchi-rolls at a Gourmet Supply store in Chico, Ca.
Below are a couple of pictures.
Note the mirror above shows her work in progress.
It was funny because her teacher can't pronounce Japanese words very well (like most Americans...after all ask someone how to pronounce Karaoke and you get "Keree okee" when it is "Kaw Raw O Kay". ) So when Cynthia stumbled when she was speaking (on an English word) the teacher hollered the correction from the back. Since he had told the audience about Cynthia's correcting him all the time earlier it brought lots of laughs.
There was also a couple of hMong girls who showed us how to make cold spring rolls and they were so good we went to a hMong market afterwards and made them for the fmaily the next day.
We also learned to make Endive boat hor devours and likewise made some the next day.
On Wednesday JC Dunn, Ed Rapoza and I went out on a magician's day lunch but could resist to raise a little cane before going....I know it's a big cane.
When he came he was 8' tall but boneloss has made him barely able to walk with his cane.
JC Dunn (68) upside down...or is the rest of the word upside down and he the only one right side up?
Also this week poor Belle went under the knife...she's now "fixed". I don't think she is thinking anything was broken that needed fixing! Here she is in what Cynthia calls the "cone of shame".
Eddie's News-
When Ed came here from Japan he was at the end of his rope. But through a series of very interesting circumstances God had brought him to a place where he was brought to his knees and surrendered to Him. Little did he know at the time that God had been moving him towards this for many years and more aggressively these past few months. Little did he know that so many had been praying for him for so many years. And two nights ago he handed it all over to Jesus. The transformation of him before my very eyes was nothing short of miraculous. Like Scrooge when he awoke on Christmas morning and proclaimed he had become as giddy as a school boy so Ed had become but even more so. He was radiant!
He will be baptized next Friday in the Feather River.
Since it is his story I will have him share the details of the whole transformation in his own words soon.
Anyone who has not witnessed true conversion and transformation will not understand. Some of you will believe it only myth, hypnosis, mind washing, etc. But I can tell you it was none of these things. For over the years I have seen people who have come to "believe" by those methods and this wasn't the same...and in all those other cases the life and longevity of their faith always died out.
Ed did not sleep that night but celebrated his coming to the Lord all night and into all day yesterday. Praise God.
I want to add that I have met and witnessed people with many problems and heartaches who have searched out "cures", "salivations", "help', what ever you want to call it. I have seen many of them claim to find it but their eyes revealed they were still in so much pain and loss. What I see in Ed's eyes, as I have seen in so many (how I wish were more) eyes was a clarity and joy I have NEVER seen in the eyes people who have searched other paths. I marvel at what I have seen and praise God.
On the Show News front:
We have added New Mexico to our Summer-Fall tour. The Southern New Mexico State Fair Sept 29- October 3.
Michigan is in the works but not confirmed for June.
Looking to fill July 27- August 1, August 30-31 and Sept 7-15.
If you have any suggestions please let me know.
May 8-9 Calico Ghost Town
May 28-31 Wisconsin Chocolate Fest (WI)
June 12 Gold Sox Baseball Game (Marysville, CA)
June 30-July3 Swift Current Frontier Days (SK, Canada) (((then 2000 mile drive to))
July 6-July 10 Laurel County Fair (London, KY)
July 12-25 Beech bend Amusement Park (Bowling Green, KY)
August 2-15 Quassy Amusement Park (Middlebury, CT)
August 17-21 Delaware County Fair (NY)
August 24-28 Union Fair (ME)
Sept 1 New Life Neighborhood Church (Asheville, NC)
Sept 3-6 3 County Fair (MA)
Sept 16-19 National Cattle Congress (Waterloo, IA)
May 28-31 Wisconsin Chocolate Fest (WI)
June 12 Gold Sox Baseball Game (Marysville, CA)
June 30-July3 Swift Current Frontier Days (SK, Canada) (((then 2000 mile drive to))
July 6-July 10 Laurel County Fair (London, KY)
July 12-25 Beech bend Amusement Park (Bowling Green, KY)
August 2-15 Quassy Amusement Park (Middlebury, CT)
August 17-21 Delaware County Fair (NY)
August 24-28 Union Fair (ME)
Sept 1 New Life Neighborhood Church (Asheville, NC)
Sept 3-6 3 County Fair (MA)
Sept 16-19 National Cattle Congress (Waterloo, IA)
Sept 29-Oct 3 Souther NM State Fair
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