Friday, October 7, 2011

Eight Show Day and a TV invitation

Victor has been doing handstands everyday and now on everything. He's even beginning to do them on stage. Here he is practicing backstage.
Today started off cool and NOT windy as we set up and performed five 30 minute shows for school kids visiting the fair. But as we finished the last show the wind kicked up and stayed in 29mph+ for the rest of the day. We took a break from the fairgrounds for lunch and relaxation but had to get back for 3 more regular show by 4:30. The wind died by 6 in time for our 6:30 show so no loss of hair for me today.
While on relaxation I got a call from a TV show filmed in Nashville and we have been invited to perform on it. I won't leak details now but we are mulling it over.
Olivia had a tough one point she turned around not seeing me and walked plum hard into me, then while at the store she had her face up close to the milk door and as I opened the door her little fingers were pinched as she held the wrong side. Then at check out the bag holding bars on the rotating bag holder bobbed her once. Then later on at the fair she was walking a low brick wall in between shows and slipped off scraping her leg.
We bandaged her up and as long as she doesn't see it she is fine.
OK so I am not so good with the knocker thingy.
Lukas is proud of his heritage and has enough of a sense of humor to run with it. But an old Indian lady came up to him after one show and gave him a dressing down calling him racist. He has three different tribe bloods in him and is card carrying. She claimed he wasn't setting a good example. He tells me he visits his family on the reservation and the kids his age their run around like gangsters so by all accounts I would say he is definitely a better example than them. You also could not meet a better friend, nice guy, friendly, hard working, people loving, God fearing young man. So in my book that lady needs thicker skin.
OK, so Jim's diabolo got stuck in a tree during performance.
In a real tall tree. In garnered a big applause.
After the show it took about 20 attempts but his other diabolo saved the day and knocked the other one out of the tree.

Apparently this guy gives out flu shots for food. Or maybe he was just standing near the sign?

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