Friday, May 4, 2012

Record Attempt

You may know that Jim has been wanting to tackle the tallest item balanced on his chin Guinness record for some time. The connection design of using wood as joining cleats couldn't handle the flex strength. So we had crane brought out and retried a few days later. We intended on a bucket truck or lift but a regular crane was brought out and the flex problem reared it's ugly head.  So we reset the date to today and changed the wood connector to solid aluminum.  A sizzor lift was brought out and everything went well as far as the new way of lifting the pipe up.  But the weather did not work with us and during the lift just as Jim was about to begin a 25mph gust to the pipe and it crashed to the ground. the cross forces of shear, compression, and flex caused the top 20 foot section to twist and bend at about 30 degrees.
We will be retrying soon.....

Tje two dots on the picture with the lift  is where the top of the pipe is.  Click  on any of the pictures to make them larger!

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