Thursday, March 20, 2014

I Have a dream ( part 2 of the last blog your probably read)

Over 400 years ago my family came to America.   During that time we have worked our butts off to support and defend the constitution. I am sure there were members of the family that wanted to put money ahead of others.  Most just wanted to make a life and pass on good values to their kids. At least once generation lost sight of that and life and pressures, and things we will never know created a generation of alcoholics and gov't dependants.  A whole generation was divided up by the state and told to survive.  I'll reserve judgement on my grand parents, who were that generation, because I am just as much a sinner as them. But I have been blessed with Gospel and the love and forgiveness God provides.  I may never know if my grand folks ever came to that point. But my parents did and as a result raised us to fear and love God.  Not fear Him in the way you naturally come to think. But to fear what would happen if we went to eternity never knowing Him.  I thank my mom and dad for that. And in spite of every tough time, pain, or worry I know I am redeemed and Saved.  Thank you mom and dad.   I want to publically share this because a few times I have publicly complained about how I was raised.   I was afraid of my dad and feared when he came home each day because I didn't know the stress he was going through just to raise 4 kids in the Jimmy Carter era. (Maybe I am being unfair for bringing politics into this but put Jimmy Carter and Jerry Brown into the mix it is so easy to compare BO and Jerry Brown of today. )  It is tough. I don't blame them, completely, for our current struggles. I am hard headed and have continued to pursue a life as a traveling performer with his family when gas is at all time highs, insurance is at all time highs, regulations are un-AMerican (the joke going around the internet is "I am from the land of the free, and I have the permits to prove it."  It's less of a joke when you own a business. Especially one on a shoe-string.   
I want to thank the folks who have donated money to use via pay pal (victor We refuse to let the economy of today beat a Christian, family friendly, Liberty loving, constitution supporting family....namely, us beat us We may need help this year. But to surrender let's them  win.   We want to bring a clean family values show to America and beyond. We refuse to buy into PC crap and we will fight until we have nothing left to fight with. 
So why do I give such a passionate speech right now? Because as I age the company, the show will be handed over to those kids in the family that want it. And I have two kids graduating college over the next 2 years and i want something better for them. 
They deserve the America my ancestor who came here from Scotland 400 years ago (and never owned a slave, and fought for the North, not the South, though I support the south's state rights opinion...not my preference) (READ THAT AGAIN SO IF YOU DECIDE TO ARGUE YOU DON'T COME OUT SOUNDING LIKE AN ASS).  Here is some trivia: which president (the north or the south that was personally opposed to slavery?  Second question: witch president, the north or the south that said if keeping slavery would keep the union together he would not oppose it?  you might be surprised how what you were taught is school has been a bit ....shall we say tainted.)

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