Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March Update

It has been a while since my last entry. Since my last entry soooo much has happened including that mean cold going around that hit all of us except James and Titus. That is one of my excuses for not making an entry here in a while. Laziness is truly the real reason though. But that is no longer here nor there.  The pictures below were uploaded by this website's edit program and for some reason uploaded all the photos out of order. Laziness and frustration and time dictate that I will keep them in the order they are in and just put a caption on each that will tell you where, when, who and why.
March came in like a lamb.  Show have begun picking up and we performed two goodly-sized audience shows. The first was for the Butte County Office of Ed. They have a yearly program where they take all the kids in the county who participate in the after school program to the local community college and give them a tour.  The kids are turned on to college.   In the past the kids were given snacks after the tour and then waited around nearly an hour before a competition was done and awards were given out.  A woman who saw a show I did in January who just happens to put the program together contacted me with the idea of using us to fill that dead time.  So we performed for over 600 kids plus their adult chaperons.  James has taken classes at the school in the past so he took Olivia on a tour of the school and simultaneously checked out his old digs.   The show was an unmitigated success and we had a lot of fun.  I was still in the throws of the cold I had gotten a week earlier but doing the show lifted me up quite a bit. 

The next day we did Magic for Mexico. A 100% fundraiser for our church youth who are going at the end of this week to Mexico to build homes for needy Mexican families.  Bill Jackson, JC Dunn, and Carlos Sawyer also all performed. All three are really great guys and they all did well.  Each have their own style. So it was a delight to Emcee the event and watch them as well as my own kids perform.  It was a purely magic show except for Jim's balancing and Juggling. 

In the mean time in Kentucky Miles and Cynthia had their Spring Break last week.  They both told me by phone recently that getting back into "school" gear is a little tough.  Miles went to Chicago with his school's Christian club and served the needy and shared the Gospel in some pretty tough parts of Chi-town.   Miles reported that he loved every minute of it.  I have some pictures below.  Cynthia went with her friends to one of the friends' home in Georgia. She did the beach and site-seeing with a St Pat's day parade to top it off.  A little boy in the parade gave Cynthia a green St. Pat's necklace. She too had a lot of fun. 

Prior to heading out on their respective trips Miles participated in the Stand 27 or something like that.  He remained standing for 27 hours in a statement against the 27 million people in slavery around the world today.  Cynthia participated a bit but didn't go for the 27 hours.   Pictures below. 

James has been scouted by Hollywood and will go down to L.A. to film a pilot for a new reality game show that gives contestants a challenge within their realm of skill.  Jim's balancing skills are what drew their attention to him.   So he had to do several Skype meetings with various producers including one where he demonstrated balancing all kids of things on his face from eggs to a refrigeration. He will fly down there this weekend for the taping. 

 Miles using his balloon twisting skills.

 Near the end of the 27 hour stand.
 When it was over.  The young lady is Cynthia's best friend.
 On Spring break Cynthia got to shoot some skeet.  I asked if she hit any and she replied' "in the air....no". Apparently she shot a few on the ground.
 last week JIm went to Bald Rock, a moonscape like place in the foothills around Oroville.
 In the midst of the 27 hour stand.....the "X" on the hand let the teachers and staff know they are participants in the stand and can stand during classtime.
 Three friends on Spring Break....

 Olivia practicing her "flexibility".
 The standing participants.
On Spring Break. 

Miles in Chicago.....his back is to the camera. 

Be careful of Jim.

Olivia and James outside a local store getting ready to do the Skype demo of their balancing. 

 On break.
 Prior to Spring Break Miles went skiing with friends in KY.  His first time. He loved it.
 Fridge on the face.
 The stand
 The stand
 A jug of wine on the chin.  Jim bought it for $10 and will get $10 back from the producers and he sold it to a friend for $10.
 Amelia at practice.
 Miles demonstrates the balloon swallow in class.

 Still standing.
 Last week was Old Time Fiddler's Weekend in Oroville.  In the arts building near the auditorium that held one of the bigger Fiddler events there was a hands on Art day for kids. Jim was asked to have a booth for his Non profit, WSO where he let people try their hands a different instruments and even record tracks.
 Up on Bald Rock he found something to balance.
 Miles and his geek friends... I say "geek" in a loving way.

 Olivia coming back from her tour of the college.
 Silliness at Bald Rock.
Olivia show all the things Jim will balance on the Skype interview....including her.

More to come.........