Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Future

Had a meeting today with the entity that controls the theater we are thinking of buying. They came all the way out here to meet with me so I think they are serious. Others have also expressed interest but our proposal seems to be the one they like far. Talks move into the next phase and I will report on them as they happen.....I will also update you on the facility itself and perhaps even reveal where it is and what it's called in due time. Needless to say it offers the opportunity to bring a regular schedule of variety arts to an area where it's needed and would play very well. The many artists I have come to know and like would surely be on the play bill. It would also become home to our own show but still cater to community events. It's an exciting prospect that opens a myriad of doors that lead to unlimited opportunities. (How's that for a sentence?)

Also don't forget tonight we are closing at the Neighborhood Church in Corning, CA. They have been having the biggest crowds ever for the event.

As I said, with the entertainmen,t it is an outreach and evangelical show where we share the opportunity for folks to come and know Jesus better and perhaps even accept God's invitation to salvation. (I know some of my readers don't hold these views but I want you to know that even if you don't believe in Him, He believes in you! Someday, you may come to understand that we (true Christians) aren't trying to cram anything down your throat and would never force you to accept anything. We have just experienced something that unless you are there you can not understand....but I am sure there are times your heart and mind cry out to try and understand. And we, with all our hearts, through the love of Jesus, hope and pray all who we know will come to understand as well. But you cannot unless God reveals it to you Himself. We can only tell you about it. And yo can only hear about it when we tell you about it. Beautiful are the feet of the one who brings Good News. By the way, everything I just wrote is in the Bible!)

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