Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Circus (1882)

Picture source: Library of Congress

"John Robinson's great show arrived here yesterday morning and performed in the afternoon and last evening to full houses. A slight accident in upsetting the band wagon in disembarking that vehicle from the cars delayed the appearance of the usual street procession. People came into town from long distances, as they always will, to see the circus, and times upon the streets looked lively. John Lowlow, as a clown, has no superior, if any equal in the profession in America, and is not only entertaining to hear him , but instructive. He is one of the few of the higher artists in that difficult role. The circus absorbed many a dollar which had been put aside and long lain hidden for a rainy day and which had been earned by patient toil."
-Oroville Mercury News 8/4/1882
Came across the above article while researching Eddie Foy and Oroville's old Opera House.
Did a bit of research on the John Robinson article mentions an elephant attack in 1841 in Ohio. Apparently there were three genrations of John Robinsons that ran the circus.
Well....back to my Foy studies.

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