Friday, April 9, 2010

Titus Rides a Horse

Those of you who don't know Titus, he is our 12 year old. Bron with a metabolic disorder he cannot walk, talk and has no fine motor control. However, when on a horse he becomes a new child. He is still unable to walk or talk but he and the horse communicate on some different level.
He has been going to Handiriders (a program offered to kids with any kids of special need, found all over the US see the NARHA.ORG WEBSITE) for a few years.

Titus has been going horseback riding at a therapeutic horse riding place 20 minutes from our house for several years. But it just dawned on me we haven't been taking any pictures of him there since his first day....sooooo here is a photo journal.
But first a picture of Mami and Victor Jr who attended an old time village where visitors have to dress up and participate in 1700-1900 living. The parents become the demonstrators (which is funny since no one knows what to do initially) and the kids get to make candles, make rope, churn butter, bake, etc.

Oh, and before I get to the Titus pictures....while I was at the horse place I took a few artsy pictures (not touched up in any way).

Getting on the horse takes work but he loves it too.

he's a new kid on the horse. His hypertensive hips relax and he's able to straddle the saddle. His hypotenisive back becomes ridged and strong able to hold him erect. It's fantastic.

They provide handler volunteers to walk along for safety.

One exercise is to put rings on a cone after riding through a course after taking a ring off a cone at the start of the course.

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