Sunday, May 25, 2008

Silver Dollar Fair (Day 3)

Day three is always the toughest day at a fair. For some reason everyone is tired. By day four everyone has slipped into the groove and things are awesome. But day three is the toughest. Regardless we had a blast! Magician JC Dunn came out to say howdy. Spending time with such an optimistic lovable man is always a treat. Our long day schedule gave us the time to see some of the other acts or meet the other performers.

(Left:Backstage at the fair)

Cowboy Ken and his train takes folks all around the fair. He's a nice man and a ton of fun to talk to.

The Russell Bros Circus....their last name isn't Russell and they aren't bros but they have a great show

The Professor....

side show extraordinaire....

Barnum through and through.

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