Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tid Bits and Season Kick Off

We are just a few days away from the season kick off and we have been blessed with a Spring-Summer-Fall calendar that is nearly packed wall to wall. Still have a gap here and there we are trying to fill and we are really wanting to perform in Maine. Never been there and with all I've seen on TV and books and the Internet I am convinced it will be one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Quassy park emailed today. Looks like we are going to be on a CT TV show on August 4th promoting our shows by way of profiling our family.

Offer a Ohio gig that is just a day out of our schedule. We are hoping to work that out. We would love to perform in Ohio. The people there have always been so cordial to us.

The insurance has been settled for the theft. Three cheers for AAA! New equipment is on it's way. (You are going to like the design on the clubs Jim has picked out.)

In spite of the adversary we spit in his eye and Jim, as a result of the theft, had to rely on inspiration (which means "Breath of God") and creativity. Because we had a couple of shows coming up last week that needed his services. So in the garage he found two nice looking tennis rackets and a nearly new soccer ball. The routine he come up with was incredible...never seen anyone else do it.

Today I will lunch with JC Dunn of Magic JC, lifetime member of the Magic Castle and one of the nicest people on the planet.

If you have been watching the Master of Illusion on TV on Mondays here is my opinion on the shows. Wow...what stinkers. I don't meant he acts. I know many of them and they are great. But the production company putting the show on is doing such a bad job I have actually heard lay people say the acts sucked. Now I know they don't. But the editing, the camera angles, the whole production is so bad I think it's hurting magic. On top of that immediately after the MOI the masked magician, on the same network, had his reveal show. MOI needs to scrap the contract and start afresh somewhere else. I think if they got a really good performer to host/perform the show and interactively introduce the acts as well as someone to coordinate costuming and show flow-pace to create some kind of cohesion to the show.

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