Friday, August 1, 2014

Catch up, Ketchup, Catsup

Hello all. The rumors of our vanishing are greatly exaggerated. We have not been trying to avoid all of you either. Fact is, in our big world of technology not everywhere has wi-fi and not everywhere has great cell phone connections. As a result of these two facts I found myself for the last couple of weeks with very small windows of opportunity to get on line except for brief things like checking email (though not all accounts) and some light surfing or research through my phone.   My cell phone has an archaic contract where I have unlimited data usage for my phone, but when I use it for a wi-fi hotspot I was limited to 2 GB of data, then I would have to pay through the nose for additional data usage.   It is that hotspot data I needed for posting the blog because I use my computer and through the wifi hotspot I can upload larger files and photos and such that I have on the computer but not my phone.   Got it?

Regardless, I am at Mc Donald’s where the wi-fi seems better and I finally have a chance to get to all that I have to get to.

Since my last posting we have performed two fairs.  We traveled from Cherokee County Iowa to Le Mars, IA for the Plymouth County Fair.  This has always been a biggy for us as we pull in over 700+ people per most shows. They have provided us with as many bleachers as can possibly fit in the area and there are shows where even that is much less than required so they fill up the grass areas and all the standing areas around the stage.   They are such a friendly group as well.   I can say the same for the Cherokee Fair as well.   In case I missed mentioning much about Cherokee it was super fantastic too.  One thing both fairs had in common was impossible to predict the weather. It could be in the 80s and very humid one day and so cold you needed coats and sweaters the next.   All in all it has been a very very mild summer. If you can call it a summer. It is more like spring never ended.  

Sadly our schedule or the fact that most of Iowa had major flooding just come to an end the last couple of weeks we had no chance to go fishing. And that is killing us.   Cynthia went up to Canada with her friends she has been staying with to go fishing just this week.  She reported to us she caught the biggest fish of her lifetime, a 1.7lb 15” bass.  I will have to see if I can find a pix of it and post it.   

Our travels up until Plymouth have been reasonable. By that I mean we have had plenty of time and no troubles.   But from Plymouth to where we are right now, New Paltz, NY, we had two days to get here. We call these type of drive “devil drives” they are long and tiring but it is the “hell drive” that we dread. And we get one of those this coming Sunday night when we have half a day to get from here to West Virginia and then set up and perform.   We will get it done with God’s help.  After that only one more “devil drive” (from Virginia to Maine a week later) to go.

He at the Ulster County fair we are having an absolute blast. We haven’t been here for five years. We have had so many folks from back then coming up to us and reminiscing about the last time we were here.  One gent gave me a pix of him with Miles, Victor, Amelia and Olivia .   We had the kids come out and retake the pictures (now five years later).  He said he would send a copy to us.   He also gave us a St Christopher medal for safe travels. It was a kind gesture.  Thinking of having the photo and the medal framed.

Mami got a great reception last night when after introducing her and telling everyone all she does for the family all while in an RV on the road one man hollered out in a genuine NY accent, “Yo! Mami!” wich brought a laugh and a great story for Mami to tell.  

I tell you NY audiences really know how to react to live shows.  It is different than other places. Don’t get me wrong, our faithful and audiences at almost every fair we perform are great; some greater than others.  But out here there is just something they have in their blood that makes them naturally grateful audiences.  Which makes us grateful for having them.

Sadly there are so many stories from the past two or three weeks that have slipped my mind and may have to come out as flashbacks in future posts. How can one remember so much?

I can tell you the weird weather and crazy schedule have helped a cold virus penetrate our defenses. Kyle finally had to go to the clinic and discovered he had bronchitis.   James, Victor Jr., Titus, and I all have varying degrees of the same upper resp. bug.  Hoping we can shake it soon.

One bonus for Miles and the boys is they take turns sleeping at the back stage at our show (our stage is far from the RV due to logistics) and so we keep one or two as security. Last night Kyle got to meet Chris Cagel, a country western singer who is very pro- America, Anti-establishment (current establishment), good ole home town, vet-loving, audience aware singer. Kyle bought a CD, shook his hand and got and autograph. 

Double fire-blow with Miles.

Vic Jr getting popular. 


CC Fishing...first catch

next catch


Bull! in Stilts


Jim and Amelia or is it Amelio?

Plymouth section.

Selfie pix at Ulster fair with Audience behind. 

Birthday Lunch for Vic Jr...can you belief he is 13????

This birdie fell from a tree into my hands getting ready for life on his own. 

Our new ice maker (makes 27lbs per day) 13 minutes gets you one load of 50 or so ice cubes.

Vaughn, friend from Janesville, IA drove three hours to deliver the ice maker to us. It was mailed to his house (they are our Iowa mail stop). They are also great friends. 

Four unicylclists come out like a bike gang and steal my hat and play keep away. It's a funny routine. 

"The Flying Tator Tots" fan club made a poster for us. 

Visiting the famous Blue Bunny Ice Cream shop in Le mars, IA

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