Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 3 Traveling East Iowa-Indiana-Ohio

Utah Salt beds. (Day 2)
Tire-change day 2 due to tread seperations causings a lumpy tire...after the change fuel mileage imporved. Until I was forced to use ethanol in my gas then it dropped again.

Victor created this flower from gum foil, a straw and chewed gum for glue.

We are in Ohio after another long day of driving. Forget about global warming it has been cold out here. We had to wear jackets for half the day whenever we got out of the vans.

Breakfast in Iowa (at the hotel). Lunch in Indiana (Burger King). And dinner in Ohio (on the Turnpike at a fast food Italian joint....it wasn't half bad).

Wish I had some fun stories from the road. The kids played the Alphabet Game (finding words that begin with a, then b then c...... in order. We did a van vs. van version via walkie talkies.)

The girls found a million more "maracas" (cell towers that look like the instrument.)

Princess Cynthia has done three days of 11 plus hours of driving....doing swimmingly.

Sometimes the road demands things you may never do anywhere else. yesterday James could not hold the build-up of liquid in his body and so unable to reach us in the lead van he went to the back of CC's van and filled a bottle. Sorry for Any images I just gave you.
The mild weather is keeping everything so wonderfully green. It has been a beautiful drive. The ridiculous windmills popping up along Wyoming and Iowa are ugly and from what I understand use a ton of carbon to manufacture, transport and set up, and maintain (it takes 6 very big Big-rigs to haul on in, a craneto set up, and lots of grease. ) Hope the output makes it worthwhile.

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