Sunday, May 30, 2010

WI Day 3 ChocoFest

No still photos today. Sorry. But lots of video coming soon.
The weather in Burlington was much cooler today when clouds moved in and softened the sun's rays. But that meant a bit more humidity. But no biggy. That's what you get during the late spring and summer anywhere east of Nebraska.
Saturday is usually the big audience day but today seemed to have bigger crowds. We re-worked our new summer show plan (we rotate three shows) to get a good balance in each act. The New Foy routine and Cynthia singing has added more diversity to the show but it also added new elements that we aren't accustomed to performing in our style variety show. The sound man, Jason, has been so helpful with our new diversity mics.
James did something really cool tonight at the last show. While balancing the wheel-barrow on his chin by one handle he lowered himself to his knees, then rolled himself to his bottom, straighten his legs then slowly rolled further onto his back until he was laying flat on his back with the wheel barrow still on is was fantastic.
As a general report allow me to say that everyone is doing really well. Olivia had a funny moment this morning. I asked Amelia if she wanted a drink with her french toast, I said, "They have whisky and beer." (Joking, of course.) Olivia said, "I like beer". The room was quiet at the time and filled with people silently eating....well, up to that point it was quiet. Olivia was loud enough to be heard by everyone and cause several people to laugh out loud. (She meant root beer...but why should I explain it to everyone....but I think they knew that!)

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