They were ecstatic. that's all they talked about the last two days. And this morning their dream came true. They had a wonderful time.
While they got their fingers and toes done Jim and Miles were strolling around the fair for senior's day. Miles won hearts over as the penguin and Jim made them look up as the man in stilts.
Victor has made the strait jacket escape a regular part of his show now.
Look at that crowd. We have been blessed with big crowds at every show.
Back stage. While I am introducing the next act the kids lounge around like a lounge snake (pun for lounge lizard) waiting their turn or for the final curtain call.
And they called it snakey looooove!
Ever wonder how the skunk makes it on stage for when I do the skunk routine. Well, here is the culprit now tossing the rodent out on stage.
Nick under the pressures of the job.
Olivia is a hard task master. Nick wouldn't play with her so she cuffed, shackled and strangled him. We will send his remains back to his folks.
The vendor next to us is the Tai Kwan Do folks. Here is the owner displaying her feelings about our show.
Or maybe it was something I said. Like "Tai Kwan Do is nothing compared to Karate...."who knows???? I survive...when the swelling goes down.