Thursday, September 1, 2011

Gettin' our Kicks on Route 66

First let me say I am sorry I am not posting pictures today. I have a whole bunch but I left my camera at the RV at the fairgrounds and we are in a hotel tonight.
There has been a buzz in the air since arrived today. Everyone seem so incredibly happy to meet us. Apparently we have been greatly anticipated, or so we were told by a couple of people at the fair. All the fair folks have really gone out of their way to make us comfortable and provided for. If the crowds are half as good as the fair folks then this is going to be a great gig.
We left Grants, NM this morning around 9AM Mountain time. The RV camp their was old and dusty, though the facilities were good. The two older men who work or own the place were extremely nice. They gave the kids knick knacks from their store. It's a called Lavaland RV and though it doesn't have a pool or much more than pull-up bars as a playground and inventful child can have lots of fun...but you have to remember you are in NM and that means scorpions, snakes, spiders, and ants....mean ants.
We pulled out and had a nice 4 hour drive to Flagstaff, NM. The trip was mostly uneventful except seeing the look on Midori's face who has never seen the Southwest. Oh, and the stop at the gas station outside Holbrook where there were 12 Christian motorcyclists gassing up. They saw our Anti Monkey Butt decals and we gave away a few samples. A couple of them had interesting stories to tell. Seems this group was form California and they were on their way to Colorado for a "Soldier's for Jesus" Motorcycle group national meet. They will be riding easier now due to the Anti Monkey Butt Powder. Seems every motorcycle rider that passes us waves to us and one in every 20 trucks will honk and wave. I didn't tell anyone else about this but one young lady flashed me...not sure if she was just trying to get a raise out of the old man driving the RV or she likes the powder and was showing me where she uses it. Sadly or mabe not sadly, I actually missed the big moment, just caught it in the corner of my eye, and by the time I had full vision I was getting a wink as she adjusted her shirt. Yeah, I'm pretty glad I didn't get the full look.
The nice thing about being in this area this time of year is that it is now in the dry 80s. The nights are crisp. And Flagstaff is surrounded by wonderful smelling pine trees.
When we arrived there was a constant breeze with a few gusts and that means setting up the banner line, which surrounds the RV, trailers and backstage, was like fighting a windstorm on a schooner. The banners were like giant sales. We ran metal stakes and use over 20 cinder blocks to hold the line down.
When we arrived I was informed we had a number of packages...this is one of our big mail stops. While traveling we have to choose spots where we have goods to sell, parts for cars or tricks or props, private mail, etc are sent. Today it was two new banners, a 20' pipe and drape set, wands, private mail, a weighted trapeze bar, a fire-whip, flea meds for Belle, and more.
At, this writing we are back on the same time as California since AZ doesn't do daylight savings, and we have a 10:30 AM show (I assume for schools). So bed is essential, especially since we aren't used to the time. Just 4 days ago we were all settled in eastern time.
For dinner it was was called the Flagstaff. It had ricotta cheese, artichoke hearts, sun dried tomatoes, and lots ob basil.

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