Saturday, September 12, 2009

Gay Blackstone

Victor Kent and Gay Blackstone.

What do you think I did on my only weekend off since May? I should mentionit's my only day off until November too. Well, my good buddy and magical friend Bill Jackson and I drove the 4 hour trip to Fresno and met Gay Blackstone as she gave a lecture and meet-n-greet at Hocus-Pocus magic shop. Gay is the wife of the late Harry Blackstone Jr and the producer of the recent run of TV magic shows called World's Greatest Magicians.

I brought with me a program from their show I saw back in the 70s and a program I got when I sw their show int he 80s and she autographed both. She is a very sweet lady and I was so happy to meet the partner, assistant, and wife of the man that influenced my showmanship so much as a child. A true gem in the magic community. (I also picked up a coupleof tricks at the magic shop and a videography of the Blackstones.

Harry Blackstone's signiture costume.

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