Well, the three shows that were stackked back to back with the other two acts we shared the stage with camoe off splendidly and we back quickly and made a bee line to Wlamart for food and the hotel to bathe and sleep early. Tomorrow we have to run 90 miles from here to pick up the Chevy (see previous blogs) then it's homeward bound. If the Chevy pulls another break down it becomes the property of whatever state it dies in.
The fair was very satisfied with our shows and we have an open invitation to coming out next year. And this makes a perfect moment to announce next year's show. There will be many of our unique and original and signature pieces and routines but we are adding my disabled son Titus(11) to the show and since my wife has been learning to juggle she will join and do a short routine with Jugglin' Jim. Here presence will mean better food too. We just need to find a nice reliable RV for next year (any suggestions?). Our opening and closing will be a salute to Eddie Foy and the Seven Little Foys (google them). They were an act where Eddie Foy added his seven kids to his show. In the earlier shows his wife (a former ballerina) joined in the show too. (So really it was Eddie And Mr s Foy and the Seven Little Foys. Already we have had a few groups interested in the new show so this winter will be much rehearsing going on at our home....we will have to do a bit of singing and dancing...but not much and it isn't supposed to be of too high a caliber. That's one of the points...we are aiming for cute and funny. We will also have some new stunts and the addition of either the high wire and/or a couple of other aerial circus stunts....we are truly trying to marry circus to vaudeville. (Any suggestions and help anyone out there wants to throw our way let me know.)
Mami has already begun work on the costumes.
I would like all of you who are brothers and sister in Christ to keep the next two weeks in your prayers. We have the drive these next few days with the Chevy as our chase vehicle (and you know how that has worked out) then we have something we have never tried. Jim, Miles, Vic Jr and Amy will perform in Red Bluff, Ca at that fair while Olivia and I drive to Texas. The day after the kids finish there Red Bluff gig they are on the plane to Texas to meet Olivia and I then we have a five day gig there. Then they hop back on the plane as Olivia and I drive back. Also Princess Cynthia will finally have surgery for her torn Tendon in her leg on Tuesday. It's our hope to be back by then but the extra stop for the Chevy Van will prove to kill those chances and it pains me not to be there since she will be under general Anesthetic. All these travels and the surgery and all that come with it are heavy on my mind and heart so keep us in your prayers. I know WHO is charge so i rest in that but i still have weakness in my flesh and worry way too much. So get those prayer chains going.
I have more to tell you regarding various things that have happened over the course of the fair that are funny and inspiring but I will have to wait until aI have more time. That will include photos too. '
God Bless and Good night!
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