Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Red River Valley Fair

This fair is unusual! I don't mean that in a bad way. Just in it's literal sense. Most fairs run long days...this one runs from 6pm 10pm daily a bit longer on Saturday. So that means night shows only. Well, with the exception of 9am special shows for schools, seniors, and special ed; each day a different group. But by 11 we are free until the evening. Today, however, was the first day and so it was a set up day. Lots to do! and since we ran this as a two unit gig we had a few things not here because they were with unit 1 or the boys forgot to bring them on the airplane. Or, and this happens too often, they forgot to load it in the trailer at the onset of the trip. All of these things contributed to the need to go out and buy stuff today....I don't like doing that.
Olivia and I are used to Central time but the four others are having a bit of a body regulating waking up two hours earlier and then functioning all day. Everyone was wound up, though. It's always fun to do our job and the environment here is really nice. The fair is providing awesome lunches, and dinners and the hotel provides the b-fast...and the fair provides the hotel so our meal expenses are nearly nil (we do enjoy our sweet tea).
It was very hot two days ago...then we roll into town and boom it gets cold. I want to punch Al Gore in the nose! It was the cold that kept us from brining Buttercup the Python. But when we got here we thought, "hey, it's hot. Should've brought him. So we buy a red tail boa (very cute, very small (18") (only 9 months old). Then, BAM, it gets cold....ugh!
By the way, the Boa's name is Mr. Squeezers.
The food provided by the fair is incredible. Homemade meats, and pastas, and corn bread and beans of various types....ahhhhhh! I'm going home fat.
I have to a dmit this crazy schedule this summer and fall is finally beginning to make me tired. I love performing and meeting folks but my body and mind are shot. Still I praise God for the work during these silly times.
The report on the kids' performances in Red Bluff last week were really good. They were a hit and rumor is we will be invited back next year.
Got early shows so i will upload the pix tomorrow afternoon. Got some good ones...including a large revolver-bbq pit, the boa, pur stage, and the kids.

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