Thursday, February 25, 2010

Updates: Ammar Lecture - New Member of the Family- Cynthia's Bday

First off...for those of you who didn't know this Sunday we pick up Belle, the wonder dog! She is a 9 month old poodle who belonged to a military couple who already had 2 dogs and the base said two is the limit so out she went to a friend of ours who owns the pottery shop at Calico Ghost Town. A couple months back while admiring her poodle, Big Boy, at her shop I mentioned that we wanted to add a dog to our show and a poodle would be great due to one of the kids' allergies a poodle would be best.
Next thing I know I got an email and wham bam boom we have adopted her. Cynthia will take charge of her training. After watching many episodes of Dog Whisperer and past dog experience of our own I think all systems are good!
Here is a pix sent us by her current care-giver.
We will update her wardrobe and take new pix when she gets here this Sunday.
Last Night we drove down to Sacramento (actually Carmichael) to Grand Illusions magic shop to attend the Michael Ammar lecture. Mr. Ammar has written many books and produced many videos and DVDs for the magician to learn his innovative magic techniques. He has an incredible mind. He is also very funny but is very serious about his magic.
I attended the lecture with my good freinds JC Dunn and Bill Jackson, both from Butte County. it was interesting to run into a few other "locals". A gentleman from Chico, CA whom JC performed for years ago got into magic because of JC and was there to learn more. Likewise a teenager from Chico who likewise was influenced by JC and had come to our Fair Show in Chico was in attendance. Magician's Magician and nice guy Wayne Houchin and his beautiful wife were there as well. Wayne has produced several videos of his own magic creations and has even had his effects performed by Criss Angel. SF magician, salt of the earth, Jay Alexander, was there too. It is always so nice to see Jay. He always has a great story to tell about things that have happened in his travels. Jay, likewise, is published and has put out video of fun magic tricks. In fact, one teen magician enthusiast came up to Jay while we were chatting and, with awe in his eye, thanked Jay for "getting him into magic" because of a Magic CD he had made years earlier. It was fun to watch the young man meet his idol.
My only regret about last night is I didn't get pictures with Jay and Wayne and others including Grand Illusions owner Steve and his mother Lenora. When is Sac get you magic at grand Illusions on Fair Oaks Blvd.
JC and Mr. Ammar
Alf was there.

Mr. Ammar and me.

Bill and Mr. Ammar
Below is just a fun picture of Victor Kent Jr's latest art piece. The photo doesn't do it justice. The three creatures are bound by the long tongue that penetrates each one.

Cynthia turned 18 at the start of this month and we celebrated three times. Once was a quiet home affair with a Rice-krispees tiered cake. The next was an all day trip around SF playing tourist, climbing Telegraph Hill, eating Chinese food in China Town and Japanese food in Japan Town, and shopping downtown, of course. The third was last weeks "Kid Party".
Mami made Cc a Doughboy sugar cookie.
At the Party everyone decorated their own cupcakes...Here is Miles'.

The gang. It smelt like teenager.

They played a pictionary like game.

Marschmellow stuffing contest...very dangerous...Six kids died during the game...Thank fully one of the boys was happy to give the girls CPR....(Just kidding that didn't happen.)

Cup cakes again.

Pin the tail on the Democrat.
I almost forgot...the quote of the day:
Whatever youdo, slow and prodding. What you want to disperse will eventually happen."
-Jc Dunn
(We have no idea what he meant...but he said it.)

There is still more big news coming down the pike. I mean really big news.
On the TV front I should like to say we are still not doing any shows. But we are in their files and on their minds. I hope that is true as the TV publicity is always helpful for the growth of the show.
A quick peek at 2010 summer schedule:
End of May......WI Chocolate Festival
In June: Several Grad Nights and other school related shows.
Gold Sox Circus Night
Swift Current SK Canada Fair (on into July)
In July: Laurel Co Fair, London , KY
Beechbend Amusement Park
In August: Quassy Amusement Park
Delaware Co Fair in NY
In Sept: Nat'l Cattle Congress in Iowa
Others in negotiation.

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