Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fish N Fireflies

OK, it was reverting back to winter over the weekend with the RV heaters coming on for three days straight. Then today it hit the low 80s, the sun shone and all was springy dingy again.  That gave everyone a chance to work on their acts and do homework outside if they wanted. Victor even practiced riding a unicycle on the tightwire.  I am developing a cool illusion where items borrowed from the audience self animate even when locked up in a plexiglass box.   I am even taking an antique table and restoring it (from a flea market) to set the plex box on just for that ghostly old fashion look.  It will be performed in the round so I hope it comes out as impressive as the trials have made it look.Great part was the table was only $3.00!!!!!

We decided to go fishing after dinner tonight. Most the kids went for the pan fish (blue gill, war mouth, sun fish) Victor and I went for Catfish. We used chicken liver. Strange thing is our bait kept vanishing. Turned out, or at least we assume since we saw their heads popping up here and there, that snapping turtles have been stealing the livers. One hook came back bent which seems to confirm my hypothesis. snapping turtles are a real nuisance in KY.  I am going to check out the legality and the viability of catching a few and have a mystery meat meal one night.  The kids caught around 10 or so nice sized pan fish. Victor Jr has been relegated the job of cleaning and filleting any fish we catch. So the count so far this season as been 7 crappie, 40+ sunfish family (bluegill, war mouth, rock bass, various other sunfish), 1 bass and that is it....so far.

Tonight Kyle was treated to his first sighting of fire-flies. In fact it is the first night any of us have seen them this year. They are truly one of God's coolest creations. I am sure the jars and nets will be coming out soon.

The parts for fixing the RV's water heater arrive tomorrow (over $150 in parts) but its like living in a regular house with the added fun of being tied down to a vehicle.  I am glad we have gigs coming up starting at the end of the month. We are near the end of the ropes with spare change. Might have to do street corner shows for our dinner otherwise.

Cynthia called Sunday and updated us. She is still living in Ohio with a classmate's family while she send out job applications and resumes. Keep her job hunt in your prayers, or God forbid, she may have to run away with a circus. (LOL)

I've got my dog grooming tools out. Finances say I get to be their groomer.  Maybe we should video this or take before and after shots.....might be hilarious....or scary....or sad...or wonderful.   Poodles!

Well on that thought toodles.

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