Friday, May 23, 2014

Forever Endeaver

OK, the title of the post is just a fun phrase to say, it doesn't have a significance to anything except life.

First, thanks for the nice words and prayers for Mami's speedy recovery of her arm. Her right wing is much better but her left is suffering from tendonitis so it is going to take a while. She got back to teaching the kids today. The older kids took the duties over earlier this week. And boy has the week flown by.

As is a tradition in our house, I took Kyle out for his birthday lunch today. Thankfully it was at a Chicken Buffet joint (that really is tasty).  A young man the tall needs to be free to graze.   It was nice. And I got to have my favorite gizzards. Yum.

This morning we awoke to a nice surprise. The group of cyclists who stayed here last night left their uneaten supplies that they did want to carry (yesterday was their day off and they overbought their day off goodies); apples, milk, orange juice, chips, and more were on our outside table with a note.

It was a surprise to see two new cyclists arrive this afternoon.  It seems Oh-Kentucky is a regular stop for these groups.  Like the other group we chit chatted and the kids showed off (actually they just worked out but it comes off as showing off.)  I did do one intentional show off, I brought out my Penny farthing Bike to show them. I even rode.  It's just like riding a bike, I remembered how to do it. They too are doing the transAmerica path with some changes in it from VA to WA (although the other group was heading to OR. Both men are nice guys and very interesting. Both worked in the Forestry industry.  I envy their ability to do what they are doing. Though they claimed to be tired they both looked fit and well rested. I think I would had been on the ground heaving to pull in a breath.

The toughest part of my day was giving Little Girl a grooming.  She had matted up from the particles on the ground outside and the rain. So I had to cut her done to the pink.   I left a top knot and pom poms on the feet.   Tomorrow it is Belle's turn.

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