Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Iowa Rest Stop
Big hunka spider over a gas pump in NE
Grey EX is for global supply chain services (See below for red an green).
Canadian Soldier....covered our van (Scores) when we cam out this morning. They are about 2" long and about and inch high (wings). You can grab them and they do nothing. They can hold onto the windshield upto 65 miles per hour.
This is a shot of the fair ...the day after.

Well, 13 hours after starting out this morning and we are in York, NE! VERY TIRED!

I was planning on a rant about toll roads and the silliness of them with there limited ons and offs and the tax and business loss to the local businesses that miss out on the impulse stoppers and the difficulty it is to get to those local businesses on a toll road; the expensive food and services on the toll road; the lack of variety on a toll road; the deep fried bbq sauce covered sawdust chunk I had at a KFC on the tollway served by a barely English proficient Russian guy with attitude; the sorry conditions of toll roads; the nice and not so nice toll booth people; the waste of gas and time having to stop then go then stop then go then stop then go to pay tolls while waiting in long lines.etc etc. But I am too tired for that so let me just say toll roads suck in every possible way.

We awoke to weird bugs on our car. My cousin Jay who called as I was walking out to the car said they were called Canadian Soldiers and the come in from the lake after a windy storm. They are slow, easy to grab, and weird looking (Picture above) so what does that say to real Canadian Soldiers?

Humidity causes bad gas mileage....gotta use the air-con more too. Had no choice but use 10% ethanol gas...mileage dropped by over 1 mile per gallon.

Olivia spent a whole hour singing "I reach up high, I touch the ground, I stomp my feet and I turn around. I love to, oo-oo, praise the Lord." ( A song from our Christian programs. It was cute.

We covered Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and part of Nebraska today....tomorrow...Nebraska, Wyoming and Utah. maybe home by late Thursday maybe Friday Morning.

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