Thursday, August 21, 2008

Modoc Fair day 1

Victor and the Turkey...Victor is on the left!
The girls and the Clydsdales...they are huge! (The horses not the girls).
The old town recreation on the fairgrounds.
This area is interesting...look at the background...looks like the high desert...then there is green grass and trees. It's a mixture of desert and forest.
At the park we visited the hornets had made a nest in one of the kids toys.
(The farmers out here say that the increase in hornets in the area means it is going to be a cold wet winter...also read in the news last night that 2008 is the coldest in over 5 much for global warming....I'm going to believe the hornet who God sent before I believe Al Gore who the Devil sent.)
Guess where we are at.

Some fairs have car shows....this fair has a buggy show.
Princess Olivia tries to get a better look at a pig.
This is a picture of the kids.

The fair starts at 5pm we slept in, ate, played horse-shoes, found a local park and hung out there and still it was just noon when we got to the fairgrounds. The set up was fast since we didn't have to set up a stage or backdrop (a plus for work but a minus because we like to maintain a constant standard and that is taken away when we use a stage provided and the back of that stage whatever it may be). Still the grass around the stage is lush and green, the weather comfortable with a slight it was easy to hang out here until show time.
I used the time meeting the vendors ( I am the "voice of the fair" so I have to announce the acts and events and tell about the vendors and stuff) and finding out about them so i can tell about them over the PA during the fair.
Princess Cynthia spent her free time typing papers for school (she is in AP classes and had summer homework). James, Miles, and the kids found various activities around the stage and around the fair to keep themselves busy. The little ones and I and Jim took a tour of the fair. There is an old town recreation on the fairgrounds with old buildings, vehicles and tools. We also visited the Budweiser Clydesdale exhibit.
We had only one show today and it started off a little weird. There was a big BBQ going on in our area and most of the area in front of the stage was set up for Pic Nic table dinning. So when our show started people were mostly gathered for eating. We would have to win them over. Then there were the ones who gathered especially for the show. They were won over before we even started. (I should mention that the crowds tonight were very sparse... we are in a town of 880 people and the next town is 30 minutes away and it is a Thursday).
We opened with the Nail in the head followed by the sword suspension...we won everyone over and lost knar a soul. In fact we gathered crowd up until the Spear Box Climax nearly an hour later.
Miles, Jim and Cynthia each did strolling tonight. As they did that I took the youngins to the commercial building (Olivia is only 2 but fully understands the concept of the commercial building and even asks to go there by name.) The commercial building houses the vendors who sell products or are there to promote a program or company. There are always free stuff like pencils, coloring books, candy (we have stopped the candy intake) stickers, water bottles, rulers, bandanas, toys, etc etc etc. They made out like bandits...especially at the Forestry table with Smokey Bear everything! Then we found a sandbox in a kids play area and castles, mountains and tunnels were built.
Back at the hotel we are eating and watching the Olympics. Good night!

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