Monday, March 24, 2014

Blow Off Day

Ok, I stayed up until 4am watching movies from my home DVR.  I slept until 10:30 then spent next 3 hours on phone calls and emails. Then Mami and I had coffee then went shopping. The kids did their homework and show practice . That was our day. Pretty exciting right?  (Sorry to all of you about my typos and spelling errors the spell-check didn't catch) my mother told me tonight I need to proof read, so I will try to do that more in the future.
By the way, Union Fair Maine fans see you in August. We will be eating lobster at $4/lb under a light house again in just a few months.  Exciting.  The DeKalb outdoor Theater gig we have been working on fell through due to the economy (I am just loving our country's ability to recover so much!)    
But all things here in Berea are great but it is still COLD. I mean COLD.
Blessings to you all.

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