Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 23 By Princess Cynthia

So, we're on the road again. I had an awful sleep at the hotel. Lately I cannot sleep at night and I have no clue why. Well, the breakfast at the hotel was not very good and I was not entirely in a good mood. Olivia has been driving me crazy. I totally gave up on potty training her because it's imposible. I'm going to give that responsibility to my mom when I get back to California. Olivia is also way crazier than any kid I have had to take care of. I slept for the beginning of the trip but it's king of hard with alot of talkative crazy kids in the van. To pass the time we played the alphabet game backwards. I WON!! Normally James wins so I was pretty stoked. Much later in the day we arrived in Minnesota. We drove on the outskirts of Minneapolis and saw none of the big city but maybe I'll see it some other time. We arrived at the hotel in Cambridge. Since we arrived early we dropped the trailer off at the fair grounds. The fair is pretty darn small and full of agriculture. The people here don't have much of an accent unless they say certain words. We picked up some bricks for the bed of nails and picked up some microwaveable food at Wal Mart for dinner. after dinner the kids went to the pool, I colored in my very cool potato head coloring book, and my dad did laundry. Hopefully he will remember how to work the dryer correctly for cottons. I'm a little worried because he's washing my costumes and I don't want anything to happen to them . Everything worked out fine though. it's getting late and we have the first day of the fair tomorrow so I'd better go and get a good night sleep. Maybe I'll be able to sleep through the whole night tonight.

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