Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pewter---Day cut short----Paris

The day began as every day does with the kids in the hotel pool....then...

Before going to the park today we went to Woodbury Pewter a store-factory on the road to the Quassy.

There is a window in the store part that lets you see them work on the various pewter goods. Amelia got the craftsman to wave at her several times. We are told he rarely waves...Her charms win the day.
Pewter is such a part of the area's history it was nice to be able to visit a place that makes it and sells it. We thought this would be the only remarkable thing of the day but nature had other plans.....
Pre-rain photo of Perky Pal the Penguin (Miles) in front of the Quassy ice-cream shop.

The day started off overcast and warm. In spite of the clouds folks came out to Quassy today...a sharp contrast to yesterday. The prediction was 40% chance for Thunderstorms. We did our first show to a really great audience and a good sized crowd. The second show started off with an even bigger crowd that grew as the show went on. The clouds remained over head but didn't seem ominous until about 10 minutes before the end of the show. The sky grew dark...we continued the show but took the precaution of covering the speakers with bags. We also pulled tarps out "just in case". Drops began to fall as Jim started juggling fire. A few in the crowd left, a couple moved over to a nearby patio under table umbrellas. The rain became more steady as Jim ended his main fire routine. He began our comedy bit of blowing out then relighting the torches as the sky opened up and a deluge ensued. "We are the Kent Family Magic Circus...thank you and good bye", I quickly rattled off as the crowd began to run for cover and the sky fell.

The boys took to covering or stowing our equipment. I went over to the office to see what the plans were for the park. After about 30 minutes it was decided the park would close. I was in the office when the decision to close came down. The owner told the office manager to announce it over the park intercom. She said, "I'm no public speaker". The owner looked at me and nodded (implying, "use him"). I agreed and it was my voice that announced the bad news to the park goers. And so, one show short for the day, we went back to the hotel.
Just 7 miles from Quassy the roads were dry and no threat of rain showed in the sky...go figure.
Well, I guess today make up for the slow days these last two days past.
We booked Paris, TX today. It will be an adventure as we begin there the day after we finish at the Tehema fair in Cali in Sept. But with a little magic (and airline tickets) we will send Nick out to Texas ahead of time with a unit of our show then fly out there the day after the Red Bluff fair. We have never done this before but may use it as a standard in the future.

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