Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sunshine in the Empire State

Polka King Jimmy Sturr
Miles as a monkey fgoing for a stroll.
Olivia...with attitude.

James' Street Show

Girls with their Friend Joelle.

At long last the sun broke through and not a cloud could be found in the sky. But summer it is not. Spring weather is how I would describe it. No humidity, a soft wind, and low 80s. That could only mean one thing...BIG crowds! They came out in force today and it only increased as the day progessed. So much so that there was traffic both ways from the fairgrounds (2 miles out of town) to the Village and a ton of professional traffic control. With it, of course, were the energencies ( like a call from the front gate abot a boy having a seizure), trash everywhere( I still don't understand why people can't walk 10 feet to a garbage can...I kicked several people off the stage after a man spilled his beer on it...don't want a repeat of past events where we come in to a stage filled with discarded pizza, melted ice cream, spilled drinks, trash and a potpouri of other refuse littering the stage....where we have to clean it up and/or stand, lay or sit in during the shows.) and the noise. But that' s the fair isn't it.

Update on the goat. The kids were born breech and died and the mom goat (the owner's favorite) was taken back to their home.

The polka king, Jimmy Sturr, was the main stage star tonight. He had a 4pm show and it was awesome.

Audiences were big today and that means only one thing......Great crowds...great responses. In fact there was a manager from another fair from NY that saw the show and booked us for 2010.

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