Packed up we hit the Walmart on the way out of town for food supplies and such. While everyone else hit Wally's world. Belle and I hit the Petco to get Mice for Buttercup. What luck that they shared the same shopping area. Still we were parked pretty far from the Petco and I got a nice brisk walk.
Back in the vehicles we started our long drive out of PA. However we made one stop. If you read the blog regularly you know we have a new illusion called bananas to the beat of the Bamboo illusion. We have been developing it over the season. It needed a better way for "the girl" or "banana queen" to come out. Up til now she just walked out on stage. This new illusion, the Fire Cage, will allow Jim to ignite the floor of the empty cage with his Samoan Fire Knife after doing his dance. Then the cage is briefly covered and uncovered to reveal from the fire is the girl. We are also adding Miles dresses as a Samoan as well eating fire in the opening sequence. Since the dress was made for a taller larger girl we are also taking the dress in a bit.
The illusion was being kept in State College, that's the silliest name for a town, home of Penn State. In fact most the town is Penn State. So I guess we drove through Penn state. Lots of students beginning to show up for school. Which made moving through town a bit slow. That added to us getting to Toledo late. In fact, add the lost time for that, plus the long time Mami and the kids were in Walmart (one HOUR), and several 45 MPH, and 50 MPH construction zones and our planned arrival time turned into nearly 10:30PM!
My cousins Jay and Kris planned a wonderful Brazilian BBQ. Jay spent much time down in Brazil and learned how to do it. The boys got to try it last summer during their ill fated drive home with the lousy Chevy Van that broke down in MA then IA. So it was nice to try it after hearing so much about it. AWESOME.
We are unsure of our exact schedule right now but have to be in AZ by Sept 1. So we will plan out our route and visit a few cool places on our way. But for now, it is tomorrow already and I just drove for ever through PA. One note on that. PA driving is like those dreams where you run and run and run but never get to where you are going. We were all soooo happy to see that Ohio sign...except for the outrageous toll road....$40 total toll for the two vehicles.....and the roads are pot holed, cracked, bumpy, and SUCK! We have noticed that most blue state's roads are pretty bad. What do they use all that road tax, gas tax, and toll money for? Ain't the roads.
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