Monday, August 2, 2010

Note to self regarding hotels:

I know this is generally a public forum but I have to make a quick note to myself. So the rest of you don't read this.

When putting new contracts together remember to stipulate Business hotels and not resorts. Resorts are usually full service when we prefer self service much better. They are quieter (had a Hindu wedding here last night with drums and parades through the resort, etc). The resort we are at is beautiful but without that free coffee or continental b-fast it is just a fancy room with plush chairs and marble floors. Full service means nothingto us. We prefer complimentary or cheap. I'm Scottish descent and I am a business man (business is 8 letters and show is 4 in "show business". Vehicle to room distance is farther at a resort too. )

So self, when you read this later please remember to stipulate business hotel!

OH if you are not me then you can start reading here:

I was asked by my mom what a resort is since my brother and his wife stays at resorts so often: a resort is a full service hotel with other stuff like golf, winery, spa, water park, etc connected to it. They often have more commercial services like salons, manicurists, etc...though not always. Sometimes they have retail shops in them as well. Room service, restaurant, etc are also normal for resorts. Add resort to your name and you can raise the price for everything.

I'm just a small town country boy with circus sawdust and vaudeville grease paint in my blood.

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