He was thrilled with his presents. He got 8 rolls of various colored duct tape, fuzzy craft wires (pipe cleaners) , Popsicle sticks, a possible wood model doll, and a few other craft related things. he immediately went to work making a big building out of sticks and tape. He made a dragon blowing fire from the pipe cleaners. He is one creative kid.

A couple of friends from the park came over to our suites for a small "hot pocket" party. We ate hot pockets as per Victor's wishes, then ate his cake, made by his sister, Cynthia, and ice cream.
Grant (in red shirt) made Victor a Duct tape wallet with 6 card holders as a present.

The girls put are trying to grow up fast....but their feet can't keep up.

Jim with a little down time. hard to tell it is over 94 degrees and 50 % humidity.

"I am Buff" is Olivia's new line. She even used it in the show.

Glamour shot of Cynthia.
By now you should have guessed that today was hot. Thankfully and to the thrill of the park owners their new "wave pool and lazy river" ride open today. It is late coming due to bureaucratic delays and a flood earlier this year. I saw smiles on their faces and a more restful spirit in their eyes and gait.
Life on the road means all kinds of things including trying to get our various prescriptions thousands of miles from our regular pharmacy. Then the insurance and all that jazz. Since Titus requires a special prescription Mami manipulated the levers of the health industry to get the prescription out here but then his insurance wouldn't work here so we had to pay cash.....wow never realized how expensive it was. But I am happy to pay it since it helps my boy.
Another part of traveling is getting our mail (most often bills) forwarded to us. Thankfully my parents in Cali are acting a the forwarding clearing house and we get occasional packages from them. I am thankful for their help. Thanks ma and pa!
The same goes for coordinating having packages for our shows and show sales sent to us. Timing the packages arrival to get to the proper event venue at the proper time can be a nightmare but has worked out so far.
I am thankful online banking exists too. Otherwise the coordinating of bills would be insane.
Then there is the coordinating of new bookings, marketing, and contracts. That means emails, cell phone msgs and office message machine are constantly being checked. Then the calls and emails have to go out. Recently a fair manager who also works for a school district has helped me make contact with schools to perform for to fill some open dates in Sept. Already calls are coming in.
On a couple of other notes:
Cynthia ran into a family that really enjoyed our show today. She was coming out of one of the parks buildings and they stopped her to compliment us and then tell her how much they enjoyed the box trick (Zig Zag). They went one to venture a guess how it was done and asked if Cynthia had a twin. She was dumbfounded. I told her to say, "yes", next time.
I had a couple of mishaps happen to me in the shows. But if you take the chances you have to pay the fiddler for the dance I suppose.....what did I just say?........Anyways, Miles hit my hand with the whip today leaving a nice welt and I cut the side of my foot when I jumped from the pedestal onto the broken glass. Miles felt bad but I told him not to fret. He's so kind. As far as the foot....I video taped the cut and my reaction to it. Coming soon. I also nearly burned my hand when the white gas fuel I use when I light my tongue on fire dripped down the torch and onto my hand. I didn't notice it until my hand was aflame. It looked cool. I shook my hand and it went out burning only the fuel and not my tender beautiful flesh.
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